Sunday 17 April 2011

essay writing is

So it is time that the essay got written up and finalised. I chose the option of URBAN SPATIAL CULTURES under the now mis-apprehension that it'll concern itself with a little sculpture but obviously, it is about social housing and other non-places. I am interested in the subject but it was based on architecture students and other archi-types. What interests me though is the non-place aspect of it all. I am intersted in demolition, social aspects of housing and most of all, the subway systems of the city. I must stress though that I am talking about the 'underpass' and not the motorized undergrounds of London, Paris and New York.

The esaay is being composed as I type this, it is time for a break and I do need input the blog somewhat.. The introduction is done..the main bit is going to be finished later and hopefully it will have been epilogued by tomorrow morning. I'm in confusion if the essay has to be hande3d in tomorrow or next week as the Uni is closed for Easter...

Books read...

Ideal Cities by Ruth Easton
Non-Places by Marc Auge
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh

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