Monday, 23 September 2013

Art in public places - Art Everywhere

I'm loving the fact that art is being advertised/exhibited in such public places. They are on billboards, bus shelters and in shopping centres. It's making an art gallery of the streets and brightening up peoples days, if they notice the work.

Black 'The Mall' preceint has several dotted around it's centre and I recently went on a treasure to see what and who I could find. I saw a Cornelia Parker, two Bridget Riley's, a Bob and Roberta Smith and a Howard Hodgkin amongst others.

I only had a smartphone with me and took a few photos of the works in situ. I really like how they are placed they amongst retail premises, children's rides and other advertising posters. I hope this project remains and that the public realises how important Art Everywhere is. I do realise that I need to photograph these works of art a lot better than they are shown here but hey, these are from the hip..

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