Monday 2 April 2012


On Friday night I watched a movie by Shane Meadows starring Paddy Considine and a rapper from Nottingham called Scorzayzee. The film was Le Donk and Scor-Zay-Zee and filmed in a mocumentary music interview kind of way, a bit like Bad News and Spinal Tap. The film centred on Scorzayzee as he travelled with hapless roadie, Le Donk.

The film was quite funny and as in all Meadows movies, quite guttural and punchy. After watching the film, I decided to do a search on this guy Scor-Zay-Zee aka Scorz, Scorzilla etc (real name Dean Palincznuk) and saw that there was a plethora of his songs from the 2007-2009 period and downloaded as much as I could. I can't seem to buy his full albums but the handfull that I have got are just enough at the moment.

His style is exemplary and his vocal delivery is funkin' great. I am now a huge fan of his music and certain songs such a Picasso, Drunken Antics and That's Entertainment hasn't been of the iPod. What I like about him is the seemless delivery and swagger that the songs have..he is very much recommended.

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