Monday 31 May 2010

Mill:24 26.00-21.45

I went to Mill:24 exhibition on Saturday and it took at least an hour to eventually locate the building. I got off the train at Victoria Station and walked around the Oxford Road Train Station thinking that it was there [ for some inexplicable reason ]. I should have got off the damned train at Salford Central and after remembering the map that was in my mind, I caught a taxi to the venue, it was only a few pound to get there. Being lost did open up some creativity and a new project is set, this one WILL be finished, onest. I took black and white Polaroids of the connections above the tramlines in Manchester's town centre. They look eerie and spidery against the sepia skies.

The exhibition was a little, shall I say, a bit tumbleweedie...maybe I turned up a little did eventually fill up a bit later on. I took Polaroids and Digital photographs and they are on POLANOID and FACEBOOK respectivly.

Marcin turned up and it was good to a face that I knew, I'd rather go to place like this on my lonesome or with a few people me the opportunity to escape and explore without any baggage around my ankles. There was a frequency modulator/visual display which was fully interactive and that's where I met up with MCW.

After having a mooch about the [Islington] Mill environs and taking said photographs, I got a little bored and decided to go on my way but after walking around the street, I found a Chip Shop. A bag of chips was procured and I went back into the Mill and around to the open area/cafe place at the back of the venue and munchywunched my tea. I saw a guy giving a speech about the Holy Trinity of children's TV artists. It was pretty interesting and kooky and gave me the opportunity to stick around for a bit.

I bumped into some girl from the second year of my Interactive Arts course and she invited me to be part of her performance which is under the umbrella title of Action Cover Party. Its a group of artist from Tenerife who [cover] famous performance arts from the sixties-eighties. My performance that I was taking part of was called TIME and required me to stand and count 60 seconds whilst not moving, there were eleven of us doing this and I thought it was fun.

I saw other Interactivists doing their thang and one that stood out was the Steve Reich-Pendelum Music. This was two microphones swinging above two guitar amps and creating static and feedback, beautiful. Rebecca Horn's cutting hair with two scissors, Gilbert George, Yoko Ono and Joseph Beuys had their airing. I was part of Orlan's Kiss of The Artist where I had the order of 'speak Italian' played out to me and I made the order of 'ruffle'.

Whilst all this was going on, some chaps in the other part of the floor where playing out their Torquemada pushing a tea-ladies trolley around in a circle for ten minutes, routine. I found THAT really interesting and some people didn't really understand the concept but I got it kind of quickly. The head torturer for the Spanish Inquistion relieving participents with a hot beverage.

Runa and Arnie turned up around late o'clock but I didn't get the chance to really talk with them because my train was turning up and I don't really fancy wandering around Salford late into the night, even though, I should've stayed a while longer. A band was due on at 11pm called Bill Shatnerrr and I fancied watching them but I'd be stuck in Manchester then.

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