Monday 13 February 2012

edited prose..exhibition piece _ generate/multiply

Chapter One
Delays always feel unfulfilled human mechanisms considered dangerous can you hear me now unsurprising pessimistic at the market was a memory the afternoon was a misnomer most of the effect almost swung anyone who cared inside you guessed victory with grey haze where the realisation doubted his mind she would put that delicate grey haze in the glass across even grander blocks clustered what had been a short way home bursting thought latched on acceptable diversion. A monster fumbled fashionably into the park it did not see inviting shade a good place behind her almost considered becoming he kept the real one played perhaps almost like the afternoon breeze the woman looking at the tourists bawling something historic at each other but she did not giggle the hand fearing blood exiting the frame somehow knew I bent down it rose a scream of joy something closed as if forgotten time to think for a moment merely looked away watch someone experience aggression an effort tumbled replaced by exposed teeth as intimate as a moment in clinical amazement her friend shattered the street the screams from the snakelike woman shook her cocked face up to the bright blue. Overhanging outstretched hands did not miss hammering concussive pedestrians into the revolving doors shrieks emerging rapidly down the broken socket alongside amplified clouds wordless sounds disappeared on the sidewalk others heard guttural procession airbourne music looped screaming below mass of second time shock crashed wonder joining them both backward beyond clutching a pulse strong and regular he felt great relief out yelling the disappeared dead collided suddenly screaming rationality to distinctive different pitches smoke followed brawling with each hit tumbling like explosions in hell slumped to emphasize his point he dared to watch with a low tight voice. Life had been impossible now shredded and stained since its liberation tattered pattern remains hectored them at the moment he cried visual sense circumstances might have swept towards him shrieking vacuous perplexity illustrations penetrating his imagination not caring about the lunatic behind the secret gushing down fogging the lens he would come to them murmuring from the darkness the lunatic thought his own distress effective sideways would have pulled perhaps car crashes responders assumed he had no idea the whole time the instant he fell back punctuating the escalating cacophony with his right hand what happened was you needed assistance momentarily from the centre opposite hung the unconscious girl anything the guy wished might touch delicately. Another lifetime came out reluctantly approaching away from the autumn bright red brick building of orange red fire very carefully he murmured the first waves of nothing to say this to the remaining four visciousness he had already seen outstretched with no surprise shattered her scream twitching himself the direction of the librarian cellular communication had never seemed so far those wrecked and eerily deserted muscles went dashing rapidly back and forth he began to get the idea in what he was seeing on the right old facedown good feeling left in a rush under the circumstances a validation on a moment particularly reassured the blood stained door it seemed that he was right as if that were all it would take to keep them from the chaos on the street.

Chapter Two
He felt at home with a combination of fear and prurient distaste outside the girl in white dress looked almost forgotten to pull free crazy talk ceased for a moment it ripped against the door unhinged screaming she could tell them that much everyone did these days it seemed asking questions mutely just long enough as certain a parting shot as if to underline this point shattered frames once held glass it also seemed that was important but there was something even more important than that theme music was forbidden partly because minor inconveniences forgotten thought exploded responsibility gnawing anything enough to consider putting you out on the street of surly instruction overhead muffled restaurant sounded between alarms and then indignation. Raining dawn wonder thought something frightened a naked man running landlines were safe of course I understand why mournful eagerness like a weight on an actual shadow on his vision he picked up on the telephone and punched circuits if someone of strength seemed to be increasing the days brisk breeze so close they all ducked to marginal safety she lay face down again tipped over by some madman trapped between the window and the screen without the wit to find a way out one violation gets them a reprimand possibly she has not answered I have no way of knowing its economical gesture none of them replied before the memory flew away a misunderstanding indicated self defence penetration looked a little more animated nodding reluctantly impulse leaving the safety of the dark. The diminishing footsteps have the brains to leave dawning hope I saw the mouth of the alley almost close enough to grab somewhere east of them that bald head made the right direction burning gasoline conjured shattered mojo what already looked somehow irrelevant his face registered the breeze the underside of his mind had time to send up a clear thought the gentle fashion left me in charge it danced in the breeze not without wonder let us make some electricity wrapping that mild and soothing voice tumbled over but most stood perfect something about their calm was laying forgotten this is hardly the time for some small hesitation the glass with its circular base applauded with hands held out. Smiling small teeth in the water tumbled to the floor and shattered makeshift chance surprised the forgotten reluctant sometimes that shameful urge beyond a pool of gloom had no idea what those shadows represented there was no reply I think we would have heard him I saw all the movies one unblocked window glimmering with two silhouettes out into the days last light he was homesick he was renewing his acquaintance with knowledge remembered then forgotten on the darkening street an electrical wire with a strong current passing smiled cautiously on the pavement a cracked casing shrugged like a promise be continued

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