Monday 15 February 2010

Lamenting the loss of letterpress galley

I recently made a galley that was going to be used within a book project that I've already bored you with previously, the one about a mother butchering and a father consuming. The thing that I want to point out is that when I came to do some more prints on prepared inked and collaged paper, the technician in his wisdom, deconstructed what took me an hour to make and now I need to do it all over again.

The excuse was that all things get tidied up at Christmas but it had my name on it and I TOLD him that I needed it long term. What makes it so laughable is that there are some still hanging about from before I made my galley of letters. With news that I'm getting recently, I don't need this hassle and the extra work.

On a good note, I had a fleeting conversation with 3rd year tutor Jane Brake, whom with Simon Faulkner, are organising the IMAGES and THINGS exhibition for next week. As you know, I am/will be designing and constructing a display box to put my items in. The word from Jane is that she thinks it will be a good idea to have these items in a display case that is already made and looks professional enough. So I'll make my box (as I prefer it to be displayed on the wall) and as a back up, go with her judgement.