Friday 14 January 2011

site-specific sculpture

As with the previous post, my attention has been fixed with the above project. After reading a little history, I found out that the Grosvenor Park/Square had a church built upon it and in 1941ish a German bomb exploded on the site. In 1949, the building was demolished and turned into gardens.. I have done some research into large scale metal sculpture and remembered Anthony Caro and his Metal City in Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

After some drawing and a few elevated diagrams, I nhave found something I like and made a polystyrene scaled maquette which in turn developed into the cardboard structure you see above. It is modelled on the trajectory/propellors of the bomb that flattened the church. I may have graduated steps along it and therefore evolve further. I am quite happy with the outcome and wold really like to make it out of steel/copper and have it 7ft tall and about 12-14ft wide at the largest part. I have to be happy with cardboard at the moment though and think about wood at a later date..or set concrete..

This small sculpture is going into the dead centre of the Park and I have a location ideal for the subject matter. The deadline is Tuesday and I think I am on a steady way into getting it finished.

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